Statistics 2300 . . . yeah . . .
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Labels: school
Two girls stood outside Willowbrook Mall with a rubbermaid container of adorable black kittens and a sign that said 'FREE KITTENS.' (This pic I found on flickr so that you can see how cute black kittens are!)
The girls had salvaged the kittens from their father's warehouse where they would have been taken to the SPCA. I picked two of the four up one at a time. They were so friendly that I could not believe that I used to be afraid of cats. Now, living on my own, I want a fury four legged creature to keep me company. I seriously thought I could take one home even though I do not make enough money to cover my costs let alone the cost of food, cat litter and medical bills. And I work so much, the poor thing would get lonely. Besides, I can not say I have a life stable enough for that kind of pet. Tania suggested that I get a hamster, but I don't want the kind of pet that just sits in a cage and stinks it up. I don't think I should even have a goldfish because I'm so busy.
If I had got the kitten, what should I have named it??? Sharon Junior? Crocodile? Sweet Pea? Banana Pirate? Shoo-Shoo the Adventurer? Johnny Depp? What would you have named it?
So, I am very happy that Briana and Will are moving to the neighborhood because they're fun people. It's fortunate for me that they have a little pup named Wagner. It might be the playtime I get with him that will keep me from bringing home some fuzzy four-legged critters.
Labels: life
Labels: life
Labels: cool stuff